Thursday, November 4, 2010

nothing to do with skyscrappers, but informative mapping

i thought i would share this because for anyone that talks about visualizing data and also happens to have a facebook addiction, i find the first quality mapping of facebook info to be somewhat scary.,2817,2372086,00.asp

imagine what they can use this data for next.

(ps: this can be deleted after a few days)

1 comment:

  1. I Love TED. Thanks for sharing. best extract (at least for me)is where he says that “the eye is exquisitely sensitive to pattern in variations in color, shape, and patterns; it loves them, it calls them beautiful, it is the language of the eye. And if you combine the language of the eye with the language of the mind, which is about words, numbers, and concepts, you start speaking two languages simultaneously, each enhancing the other. So, you have the eye and you drop in the concept, and the whole thing, is two languages, both working at the same time. So we can use this new kind of language, if you like, to alter up a perspective to change our view (10:00).”
